Two Japanese Bobtails are depicted in a 15th century painting that hangs in the Smithsonian. Japanese Bobtails have a wide range of vocal tones and are sometimes considered to sing. Japanese Bobtails are depicted in numerous pieces of ancient Asian art. Japanese Bobtails come in longhaired and shorthaired varieties.
Related pages:
Japanese Bobtail Rescue
South Dakota Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Brookings County - Brookings, South Dakota 57006 Brookings Regional Humane Society (Spay/Neuter Program for low income households.) 605-697-7387
If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.